Parapelvic Kidney Cyst is a common kind of simple renal cyst and it is originated from outside the renal sinus and invades into the renal sinus.
The parapelvic kidney cyst is a benign cyst and when the cyst is smaller than 5cm, patients have no obvious symptoms or discomforts at all. However the cyst will continue to enlarge as time goes. When the patients have obvious symptoms and go to the hospital, usually substantial renal damages have been caused and it is difficult to reverse the kidney damages.
I then will give a list of the common symptoms of parapelvic kidney cysts so that you can take precautionary measures once you have these symptoms.
1. Pains or discomforts in the back, abdomen. The oppression of the cysts to the renal pelvis and the ureter will cause the smooth muscle spasm or the enlarged parapelvic kidney cysts stretch the renal capsule.
2. Blood in urine. In case of smooth muscle spasm, there will be microscopic or gross hematuria. In case of cyst rupture and if the cyst is connected with the renal pelvis, there will be gross hematuria or even blood clots.
3. Hypertension. The oppression of the parapelvic cysts to the surrounding renal tissues cause the states of hypoxia and ischemia in the kidneys, as a result the kidneys will secrete more rennin and angiotensin, thus leading to increased blood pressure.
4. Lumps in the belly. When the cyst is too big, patients can sense obvious lump. And in such cases, patients need to pay more attention to avoid any bump or strenuous activities to avoid cyst rupture which will cause serious consequences and can even lead to the sharp fall of the renal functions.
5. It is very easy for parapelvic kidney cyst patients to have urinary tract infections, especially for women. In case of infections, patients will suffer from shivering, fever and knocking pains in the renal area. In such case immediate treatments should be sought to prevent further deterioration of the illness conditions.
It does not definitely indicates parapelvic cyst if you have these symptoms, but you should go to see the doctors as soon as possible to make clear the real causes and take proper treatments accordingly.