High creatinine level caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease can be controlled through our diet. The followings are the introduction about diet for PKD patients that can help to control high creatinine level.
1. do not take too much foods which are rich in protein
Excessive creatinine need to be discharged by our kidneys. Too much protein intake incrase renal burden and worsen kidney function, and this is not beneficial for controlling high creatinine level. But Polycystic Kidney Disease pateints can ingest some high quality foods which are mainly contained by lean meat, fish, egg white and milk.
2. do not eat too much meat
Creatinine can be produced through metabolism of meat. For a normal person, when he eats too much ,eat at one time, creatinne level in our blood increases. But elevated creatinine level can decreases naturally. However, for Polycystic Kidney Diseae patients, they cn not et too much meat, because their kidneys are damaged and can not excrete ecessive creatinine level. Therefore, reducing meat intake is necessary for PKD patients to control high creatinin level.
3. do not do drastic physical exercises
metabolism of muscle also produce creatinine, which can contributes to the higher level of creatinine. Thereby, do not do drastic physicla exerciese if Polycystic Kidney Disease patients want to control their cretinine level.