
Can Kidney Cyst Patients Be Pregnant

Many young kidney cysts patients consult our experts and they are so concerned whether they can be pregnant or not.
Experts in our hospital give the following advices:
First of all, it depends on what you polycystic kidney disease, simple renal cysts and the size, extent, and so on.
Second, look at your body, with or without hypertension, diabetes, renal function is normal, and whether or not suitable for pregnant diseases. If these can be ruled out, small renal cysts, then patients can be pregnant. After pregnancy, patients should have close observation of the illness condition and the progression of the cysts and have regular follow-up checks every half or one year.
Patients with renal cysts can not just worry about pregnancy, polycystic kidney disease in patients with polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease polycystic kidney disease increase with age, the cyst gradually increase the earliest manifestations are: back pain, high blood pressure, kidney B ultrasound abnormal results. , Renal cysts continue to grow without control in a timely and oppressed four weeks of renal functional unit will cause injury to start the process of renal fibrosis, will be expressed as urine tests: the leakage of protein and blood cells; if the process of renal fibrosis not been effectively halted, there will be blood in urine, creatinine increase or decreased glomerular filtration rate, and the disease will in the end develop into end-stage renal failure if no effective treatments are offered.

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