In clinical renal cyst is a relatively common, multiple, and the condition is relatively more important for kidney. Fair formal diagnosis and treatment requires timely, or make the disease is further increased, and sometimes lead to complications. Timely improvement or rehabilitation order to be able to make the condition of renal cysts, should be noted that some of the issues in their daily lives. So, in patients with renal cysts whether smoke?
Sick best not to smoke, serious people will pay attention to each cigarette external writes: "Smoking is harmful to health" obvious words. Kidney disease is due to infection, of course, ultimately, a congenital genetic exception.
Can renal cysts in patients with smoking? Renal cysts because of the renal cortex and medulla, covered with many thin-walled spherical cyst got its name, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease, cyst formation may be due to embryos of some collecting duct of the nephron and the distal convoluted tubule due to connection errors. Cyst compression of renal units, causing a partial renal obstruction, affect renal function, often slowly and cause renal failure, accounting for 5% to 10% of the uremic the cause of the incidence of men and women no significant difference in clinical diagnosis rate is not high, and is often misdiagnosed . General symptoms after the age of 40, the most common symptoms are flank disease pain, hematuria. The majority of patients is associated with urinary tract infections, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, 75% of patients have hypertension, also associated with lung, spleen, pancreas, ovarian cysts. Patients will also suffer from varying degrees of proteinuria, hematuria and late the disease will gradually develop into end-stage renal failure or uremia.