Renal parenchymal damage is more severe clinical disease, and renal damage is acute and chronic, here we explain the acute renal damage. Acute renal parenchymal damage to incidence of fast, give patients a surprise, governance renal parenchymal damage without delay. So how do you cure renal parenchymal damage is very concerned about the problems of each patient. The following is a detailed account of the governance principles of acute renal parenchymal damage.
Acute renal parenchyma by the injury governance principles
The experts believed that the decision when it comes to acute renal parenchymal damage, acute renal parenchymal damage compared to chronic easy rule, but the chance of cure, but the key can not be cured depends on the patient's own. What do I say? The real terms of acute renal damage attack fast, the performance also disappear fast, but does not represent the renal parenchyma by the injury has completely healed, it may also at any time so in the human body may attack at any time. Kidney disease experts point out that should include the following aspects in the governance principles of acute renal parenchymal damage. Because of acute renal parenchymal damage is mostly reversible, should be careful to prevent the deterioration of renal parenchymal damage. Oliguria oliguria of a variety of disorders, should be reduced. Correcting water and electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, active governance in heart failure, arrhythmia, encephalopathy, and bleeding of stress ulcer disease and other serious complications, conditions should be as much as possible to take blood purification therapy. Polyuria of governance is to prevent the negative balance of electrolytes and water, lack of which make up what Huan Essentials ruin prevention of inflammation. During renal parenchymal damage, the patient should be cautious nephropathy with how to do, especially during the recovery period.
The recovery period for a long time, should be the protection of renal function without compromising the damage can not be ignored. Governance characteristics of Chinese medicine on acute and chronic renal damage, mainly in polyuria and recovery phases, to promote its recovery, enhance the patient's health, mainly for Qi Deficiency, qi and nourishing yin way, the choice of ShengmaiYin together by liquid soup governance, drugs such as American ginseng, Ophiopogon, Scrophulariaceae, raw Rehmannia, Radix.
Detail by the governance principles of the above expert on acute renal damage, and hope to bring you help. Expert Tip: acute renal parenchymal damage rule not only must the experience of the doctor's rule, more must be the consciousness of the patient's own ability to alleviate the disease. As the losses caused by doctors should try to reduce the governance process in the kidneys, the patient should be more prudent maintenance of life, with the doctor's governance is the path to victory.