1. The active substances in Micro-Chinese medicine can inhibit the continued secretion of the cyst wall epithelial cells, to prevent the wall of blood vessels and cysts continue enlargement. Improve the state of the vessel wall and the cyst cycle disorders, to soften the wall, to increase the external wall of the permeability and the inhibition of the secretion of wall cells, so patients with renal cysts are no longer growth.
2. The medicines can help expand the blood vessels, renal cysts around the vessel wall and accelerate the wall of blood circulation, prompting the wall permeability increases. The pressure drop within the wall of blood vessels at the same time to promote, reversing the pressure differential due to intravascular pressure higher than the intracapsular pressure to accelerate the absorption of the moisture of the cyst fluid to the blood vessels in the back. This role allows the cyst to the phenomenon of contraction.
3. Chinese medicine micro drug molecules constantly through the blood circulation, dredging the meridians, and eliminate the students a new role in kidney cyst oppression itself to restore the blood microcirculation, and gradually help the kidneys get rid of its internal deposition of garbage, restore inherent cell damage and kidney function, and the final reconstruction of the kidney should be structure to achieve the purpose of tackling the problem.
Through these three processes, patients will find cysts not only eliminates the patient's kidney function has been fixed. This is the new breakthroughs in the treatment of renal cysts, no longer to ease the symptoms of the cyst, but the true sense of treating the symptoms. For this reason, patients with a friend to try this advanced therapy and look forward to you as soon as possible to get rid of the pain troubled.
Micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, therapy for cyst growth trend, and this method is characterized by: (1) Reduce the source of the cyst fluid, cyst epithelial cells inactivate, inhibit the secretion of cystic fluid, so that the cyst stop growth. (2) Increase the excretion of cyst fluid, increasing the permeability of the cyst surface blood circulation, speed up the excretion of cyst fluid, so that the cyst retraction. Renal cyst is caused by infection, so patients must pay attention to health; always pay more attention to protect their kidney health.