
Causes of Hypertension in Kidney Cysts and Treatments

1. Causes of hypertension in kidney cysts
To have proper and effective treatments, it is very necessary to first know the cause of hypertension in kidney cysts. There are many types of hypertension and each has different cause and should receive different treatments accordingly. The cyst in the kidneys, especially large cysts will oppress the renal parenchyma and lead to the lack of blood supply in the kidneys. To cope with the stimulation, the kidneys will secrete more renin, and then after a series of reactions of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, a material that has the functions of vascular contraction will be produced, thus leading to small artery spasm in the whole body and retention of water and sodium. This is the root cause of hypertension in kidney cysts. Therefore it is very necessary for renal cysts patients to have close observation of their blood pressure.
2. Traditional treatments for renal cysts
After long time’s observation and clinic practice, it has been proved that the puncture has no substantial use on cysts in kidneys. The cysts are easy to relapse and patients are more susceptible to infections. What is worse, it can not slow down the progress of kidney damages. It is not easy to do open surgery which can remove the cysts that are on the surface of the kidneys. However it is quite difficult to remove those that are deep in the kidneys and the surgery will cause further damages and traumas to the kidneys and the body and lower the patients’ immunity. After comprehensive weight of all these advantages and disadvantages, the puncture and surgery are not so satisfying and patients should have more cautions before taking these treatments.
3. Completely natural remedy for renal cysts and hypertension
After years of studies and clinical practices, a completely natural treatment has been created and put into practice and has achieve good curative effects. This therapy is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and it is originated from the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicines) and therefore it is might be a little strange for the westerner. This therapy is a natural remedy and does not cause any pains or injuries to the patients; therefore it does not cause any side effects to the patients. It has the following functions of expanding blood vessels, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and degradation of extracellular matrix and immune complexes. After the application of this treatment, the cysts will reduce a lot in size and the hypertension and other symptoms will be greatly relieved.

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