Ketosteril can help lower the creatinine. There is excessive accumulation of toxins in uremia patients’ body, resulting in the emergence of high creatinine. Patients are in need of early specification medication to reduce creatinine. Not one or two drugs. That ketosteril can help lower serum creatinine.
Ketosteril contains essential amino acids and to minimize the intake of the amino nitrogen. Keto or hydroxyl amino acid itself does not contain amino groups, its use of non-essential amino acid nitrogen into amino acids and urea synthesis, thereby reducing the accumulation of uremic toxic products is also reduced. Keto or hydroxyl amino acid does not cause the remnant nephron hyperfiltration, and to improve renal hyperphosphatemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism, and to improve renal osteodystrophy.
Ketosteril with lower serum creatinine, creatinine increased and the protein is to a certain extent caused by the treatment in order to play a complete reversal of the role of kidney damage, must repair the damage of the kidney.
Ketosteril the same can be reduced creatinine and other indicators, but there is no treatment for kidney damage repair to get rid of a single drug treatment, it is recommended that the characteristics of immune blocking therapy, is the source of block induced kidney disease: a variety of immune complex-induced immune hypersensitivity. In accordance with the six-step treatment approach, through a comprehensive system of diagnosis and evaluation. It should be combined with the latest therapy treatment toward immune tolerance, immune regulation, and immune protection stage. The immune complexes will deposit in the kidney organs, body foreign body enough to cause hypersensitivity to be cleared out so as to achieve the purpose of quick-impact in a short time, so that an abnormal inflammatory response will quickly disappear, so that the abnormal renal inherent cell damage will soon stop. Block the hypersensitivity induced by a variety of renal intrinsic cells and tissues damage. Repair damaged renal intrinsic cells, play a normal kidney function. Serum creatinine returned to normal.