Parapelvic kidney cyst belongs to simple renal cyst and it is near the renal pelvis or renal sinus. Most parapelvic cysts in the kidneys are caused by congenital factors its incidence is about 1% to 3% in kidney cysts. Most patients have it after 50 years old. In most cases, the parapelvic is single and the contents in the cysts come from renal parenchyma or urine-containing cysts.
Since the location of parapelvic kidney cyst is kind of complex, the operation is not very suitable, many patients want to know is there any natural remedy for parapelvic cysts.
Actually there is, that is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Though it may be a little strange to the foreigner, this therapy has been widely used in a lot of Chinese parapelvic cyst patients and have achieved very good curative effects.
The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy takes effects mainly from the following aspects:
1. The Chinese herbal medicines in this therapy can widen the blood vessels around the parapelvic cyst and speed up the blood circulation in the cyst wall so as to promote the permeability of the cyst wall and reduce the pressure in the blood vessels on the wall; as a result the cystic fluids will be re-absorbed into the blood vessels. When the cyst is reduced, its oppression to the surrounding renal tissues will be reduced and the states of ischemia and hypoxia will be improved and this will help create a favorable environment for he repairing of damaged renal cells and tissues.
2. The active ingredients in the medicines can inhibit the continuous secretion of cystic fluids of the epithelial cells so as to prevent the further enlargement of the parapelvic cyst.
3. The therapy can provide necessary nutrition for the repairing and regeneration of renal intrinsic cells and help block the process of renal fibrosis and prevent further deterioration of kidney functions.
What is more important, this therapy is completely natural and it does not cause any pains or side effects to the patients and its curative effects can last for a long time.
Though it can not help the patients get rid of the cysts completely, it can shrink the cyst to a very small size in which the cyst will no longer affect the patients’ normal