Clinical symptoms of parapelvic kidney cysts
1. Low back pain, lumbar swelling or discomfort: cyst oppression renal pelvis and ureter smooth muscle spasm, or cyst growth causes traction of the renal capsule.
2. Hematuria: smooth muscle spasm may produce microscopic or gross hematuria, cyst rupture and the similarities of the renal pelvis, compared with gross hematuria and even earthworm strip clot.
3. Hypertension: cyst oppression lead to renal ischemia, the secretion of renin and angiotensin will increase and cause high blood pressure in the kidneys.
4. Palpable abdominal mass in case of too large parapelvic cyst or hydronephrosis.
5. Co-infections may have symptoms of chills, fever and pains in the renal areas.
6. When the parapelvic cyst is small or the oppression to the renal pelvis is minor, patients may be asymptomatic.
Traditional treatments of the parapelvic kidney cysts:
Parapelvic kidney cyst is benign lesion, when the cysts are small and asymptomatic, regular follow-up is all right. When the cyst diameter is larger than 5cm, or compression causes symptoms and complications, surgical treatment should be actively pursued. The common surgeries include cyst decortication, B ultrasound-guided needle aspiration of the cyst fluid and then the injection sclerotherapy and laparoscopic cystectomy. The structure of the renal hilum complex cyst deep needle aspiration of cystic fluid injection sclerotherapy can easily lead to complications and recurrence rate therefore should not be used with more cautions. Traditional open surgery need to line the waist larger incision, body injury, postoperative recovery was slow, long hospital stay. Laparoscopic amplification due to the multi-angle observation and exposed to full operation, good hemostatic effect, minimally invasive, it is widely adopted in clinical practice.
Completely natural remedy for parapelvic kidney cysts:
The treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in parapelvic kidney cysts trick is not pumping fluid, not decompression. It is through the specific features of the micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to promote blood circulation on the wall and through permeability changes, making cyst fluid constantly recycling, declining ; promote longer secretion of cystic fluid, cystic fluid pressure is falling, the cyst volume is gradually reduced, and even restore to a minimum size, a complete discharge of the pressure of the cysts on the kidneys surrounding normal tissue, the gradual recovery of renal function, thus the symptoms will be completely alleviated and further kidney damages will be prevented and the kidney functions will be