
Simple Renal Cysts on Kidneys

Simple renal cysts is the most common lesions in the human kidney disease, there are one or several of varying sizes unilateral or bilateral renal cysts on the kidneys, and these cysts are not connected with the outside world .
Characteristics of this kidney disorder
The cause is unclear. The vast majority of patients are adults, it is rare in children. Men have more incidence than women. Increase with age, the incidence gradually increased, the population over the age of 50, about 50% of people have one or more simple renal cysts, the prevalence of people over the age of 70 up to 90%. Simple renal cyst wall is thin and transparent, containing a yellowish clear liquid if too inflammation, the wall may be thickening, fibrosis and even calcification. Cysts and renal pelvis are not the same wall lined with simple squamous epithelial cells. Smaller simple renal cysts are slow-growing, has little effect on renal function, and malignant chance, the only regular observation; simple renal cysts more than 4cm in diameter, increasing the rapid cyst, or suspicious malignant cysts, surgery should be considered.
Clinical manifestations
Simple kidney cysts are usually asymptomatic, and more in the medical or other diseases found incidentally in imaging studies. Some patients will feel the ipsilateral back pain symptoms, and often is not a direct result of renal cysts. Some very large renal cysts, especially intracapsular bleeding occurs or infected renal cysts will cause symptoms like waist pain. Some renal cysts oppression happens ureteral or calyceal neck, causing hydronephrosis and secondary infection, followed by the symptoms of low back pain, fever, urinary tract infection. Individual simple renal cysts occur cyst cancer, the cancerization rate is about 1%, cyst bleeding should be alert to possible cancer.

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