
New Research Has Found that Common Threewingnut Root can Slow the Formation of Kidney Cysts

Common Threewingnut Root has the functions of relieving pains, swelling and heat, clearing meridians and detoxicating, so it is first used in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Nowadays it is found out that besides the above functions, Common Threewingnut Root also has the functions of anti-inflammation, immunosuppression and improving microcirculation, therefore it is now widely used to treat renal glomerulr diseases.
There was increasing evidence that Common Threewingnut Root treats arthritis effectively. It has been used to treat cancer, inflammation, and auto-immune diseases and, more recently, also has been tested in Phase I clinical trials as an anti-tumour agent. This new study found that this Chinese medicine also may stop cyst formation in polycystic kidney disease.
The research holds out hope for what would be the first treatment for the disease other than kidney transplant or frequent dialysis.
The study was conducted by a team of researchers led by researcher Dr. Craig Crews at Yale University.
“If we were able to slow the rate of cyst formation by even 10 percent a year, compounded annually, patients would not die from this disease. A relatively small effect would have an enormous clinical benefit,” Crews said.
Though the Common Threewingnut Root is effective in slowing down the formation of the cysts and treating kidney disease, its use and dosage should be under senior doctor’ strict guidance and supervision because it is itself virulent and improper or long time intake will causes toxicities to the kidneys and many side effects to the patients. Its renal toxicity mainly manifested as back pains, oliguria, hematuria, proteinuria, and renal tubular necrosis, toxic nephropathy, acute renal failure. Besides it will cause many side effects.

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