
What are the Causes of Low Creatinine Level

Creatinine is the metabolic product of creatine in the muscle and its concentration can reflect renal functions. Persistent high level of creatinine indicates renal damages and then what are the causes of low creatinine
Low Creatinine level in blood can be caused decreased muscle mass, muscular dystrophy and also myasthenia gravis etc. The patients normally suffers from muscle wasting, weakness, and other muscle, blood related abnormalities.
Elderly people may also suffer from Low Creatinine levels since the muscle mass tends to reduce with the age. A growing child will be having a normal Creatinine level in the blood than an adult.
As the muscle mass decreases, Creatinine level falls down naturally and the same thing happens in a debilitated patient especially. It is witnessed in the individuals who will be at bed for a longer time or those who are hospitalized for a longer period of time.
And that is why the female has relatively low creatinine level than male and body builders has relatively higher creatinine than normal person.

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