
Natural Treatment For Kidney Cyst

Natural Treatment For Kidney Cyst
As people get older, sacs filled with fluid can form in the kidneys. These sacs are called "cysts." They are usually small oval or round thin-walled sacs with watery fluid in them.
Kidney cysts are almost always benign (not cancer). Usually, the cysts don't cause any problems. In fact, people can go through life without even knowing that they have them.
Some people have kidney cysts caused by an inherited disease called polycystic kidney disease (PKD). This disease can cause symptoms such as high blood pressure, pain in the back and side, blood in the urine or frequent kidney infections. Not all people who have PKD will experience these symptoms.
Natural Treatment For Kidney Cyst
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy mainly plays two roles in treating Renal cyst:
Expand the blood vessels on the walls of blood vessels around the cyst, speed up the blood circulation of cyst walls, thus enhancing the permeability of the cyst walls. Decline the internal pressure in the blood vessels of the cyst walls, reverse the differential pressure —the pressure in the blood vessels is higher than the pressure in the cyst. Speed up the continuous reabsorption of the moisture from the cyst fluid to the blood vessel.
The active substances of the Micro-Chinese Medicine restrain the continuous secretion of the epithelial cells on the cyst walls, stop the continuing enlargement of the cyst and the blood vessels of cyst walls. The above treatment improved the condition of circulation disorder of walls of blood vessels and the cysts., softened the cyst walls, enhanced the permeability of the cyst walls to the outside and restrained the secretion function of the cells of cyst walls.

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