How To Cure PKD
For PKD, in present medical field of the whole world, no one can say: we can cure or heal PKD, including us. As you known, PKD is a kind of inherited disease, we can not change the gene, but we can help PKD patients control the cysts' growth and protect their kidney function from decrease to renal failure. To achieve this goal, it needs both doctors and patients' cooperation both in hospital and at home. Kidney Disease is a chronic damage process, the treatment can not be finished in just several days or one month. If one say we can cure kidney disease in one week or one month, then it will be ridiculous, especially for patients whose condition is in ESRD. Karen finished one month's hospital treatment, her cysts were got well-controlled, her tiredness, weakness, lower back pain disappeared, and her creatinine level had not increased. After she went back home, she didn't continue the medicine, plus without following our suggestions for her improper daily living habit, these are some factors to worsen the condition.
For the question of our previous websites, they are not removed but revised and renewed due to overhigh click rate.
Besides, for the question that she said there are no clinical trials and data. I can say, she did not find these, it does not mean there are no these. The attachment is some papers about our treatment in treating various kidney diseases, such as IgA Nephropathy, PKD, Diabetic Nephropathy, kidney stone, Purpura Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome etc.
As one of the biggest specialized kidney disease hospital, annually we treat approx 12,000 kidney disease patients from both at home and abroad. Up to now we have treated foreign patients from 58 countries. There is an old saying in China that Time reveals a man's heart. I can understand your feeling as you truely want to find an good treatment for your mother. As you and your parents had seen the videos about some of our patients. I don't know whether your mother will achieve as good effect as them, but I hope you make your own choice and don't care too much about the negative information. Choice is in your hand, I think you will not regret if you come.
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