
Is Ketosteril Effective in Lowering Serum Creatinine

Creatinine, usually refers to serum creatinine, check blood creatinine content to determine the renal function status indicators. Creatinine the higher creatinine than normal general status of renal injury is more serious, but also to remind the kidney disease suffer from dry, early, if the creatinine value is not high, but also pay attention to the protection of renal function. Age of patients? Now how high creatinine? You have to open with other treatment drugs do? Treatment creatinine is high, you want to look farther, that is, the creatinine high just uremia, renal failure in patients with symptoms of a disease, the treatment of headache medicine head-gap, we can not simply be trying to measure the rise and fall of creatinine, while from the onset of the reasons to start a step-by-step treatment. Ketosteril with the low-protein diet, protein metabolic disorders, prevention and treatment of chronic renal failure not much of a role in the reduction of creatinine,

Serum creatinine high how to do, if we can contribute to muscle phagocytic fibroblast apoptosis and immune complexes in the early to reduce the synthesis of extracellular matrix, degradation of extracellular matrix, to reduce the destruction of the extracellular matrix of kidney tissuegradual reversal of impaired renal function. Organization kidney damage may also partially repaired, renal function can also be gradually restored, then gradually extend the duration of dialysis, widening the dialysis interval, or even get rid of dialysis. Creatinine values ​​are an important basis for renal failure in phases. Clinical renal damage, the amount of creatinine, renal failure is divided into the following four: 1. Renal failure decompensation of serum creatinine 133 442μmoL / L; renal failure in decompensated serum creatinine 177 ~~ 442μmoL / L; period of renal failure: serum creatinine 442 707μmoL / L; 4. uremia: serum creatinine> 707μmoL / L,. Creatinine increased renal fibrosis, with normal nephron filtration function is replaced by fibrous tissue, loss of a detoxification function, your treatment can not simply rely on lowering creatinine. Creatinine increased, a variety of reasons, including both non-kidney damage caused by the rise, including kidney damage lead to the rise, no matter what the causes of elevated creatinine, should be in a timely manner to a regular hospital check-ups, in order to early detection of disease, to secure the best timing of treatment.

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