
Diagnosis for Right Kidney Cysts

A lot of kidney patients or family members are very concerned about this problem, renal cysts start the formation of cystic dilatation of the tubular wall or small prominent proliferation of renal epithelial cells, accumulate within the renal ball or epithelial fluid secretion, and tubular common wall with neighboring extracellular matrix integration, and ultimately the formation of isolated cysts. The larger cysts may change the kidney shape and compression of the surrounding tissue, causing severe ureteral obstruction, effusion, infection. Simple renal cysts are asymptomatic are generally not considered for treatment, but patients with this idea is incorrect, experts say the sooner the better for the treatment of renal cysts. Do not wait for the cyst is growing, low back pain, hematuria, hypertension, recurrent infections, urinary tract obstruction, and other symptoms go to treatment, this will increase the difficulty of healing.
1, the initial diagnosis
① urine examination normal urine, if the capsule of the oppression of the renal parenchyma or in combination with intracapsular infection, a small amount of red blood cells and white blood cells in urine.
② B ultra understand the situation of the cyst number, size, wall. Renal mass can be differentiated as the preferred screening method. Typical B-super-performance anechoic lesion, wall smooth, clear boundary should be alert to the malignant transformation; wall show irregular echo or limitations of echogenic wall thickening; secondary infection, lesion fine echo, intracystic bleeding echogenic. When imaging prompted to have multiple cysts with multilocular cysts, polycystic kidney disease should be distinguished.
③ Intravenous pyelogram (ivp) shows the oppression of the degree of renal cysts, and can be differentiated from hydronephrosis.
2, for further examination
CT, B-ultrasound can not determine those valuable cysts with hemorrhage, infection, malignancy, showing the heterogeneity of CT values ​​increased when the CT showed the characteristics of the cyst, no further cyst puncture.
3, the diagnostic criteria
① Early renal cysts are usually asymptomatic, often in the medical B timeout is found that the cyst diameter of> 10cm, causing symptoms. Intracapsular infection bleeding of waist and abdomen pain pain worse.
② Physical examination even in the waist and abdomen to the cystic mass.
③ B extraordinary can confirm the diagnosis of suspected malignant transformation can be used for further examination of the methods listed.
④ Renal cysts and renal cell carcinoma, hydronephrosis, renal multilocular cyst, polycystic differentiated.

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