Kidney Cyst Pain Treatment
Kidney pain is confused with back pain or stomach pain. This is because the pain caused due to these reasons often radiates to the back and the groin. People, therefore, often ignore kidney pain. It is essential to note that kidney pain is usually accompanied with other symptoms.
Surgery is recommended for patients whose cysts are of considerable size. Once removed, the pain stops. According to Cedars-Sinai Health System, there are three forms of surgery offered for kidney cysts: laparoscopy and cyst removal, percutaneous kidney surgery and retrograde inrarenal surgery.
Treat underlying infections. Kidney cysts sufferers are more prone to suffer kidney, bladder and urinary tract infections. In order to treat pain associated with these infections, it is important to visit your doctor who will prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Once the underlying infection has been treated, pain should decrease.
CT scans are used to monitor kidney cysts that are small and do not cause any pain. Your doctor may not recommend treatment unless you experience any symptoms from the cysts.
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