Glomerular filtration rate, is an indicator of how well your kidneys are working. A test estimates how much blood passes through your glomeruli, which are tiny filters in your kidneys, each minute. While a reduction in your kidney function usually cannot be reversed, you sometimes can slow or prevent the progress of your kidney disease. In early stages, dietary changes coupled with medication may help extend the life of your kidneys.
Improve Glomerular Filtration Rate
Limit the amount of sodium you consume. When your kidney health is poor, extra sodium and fluid will build up in your body. Substitute spices and herbs for table salt. Swap salty snacks like pretzels and potato chips for unsalted popcorn. Choose fresh meats instead of cured meats. Choose prepackaged foods that are low in sodium. Check food labels on processed, canned and frozen foods. This strategy is important whether or not you are on dialysis. Sodium also raises risk for high blood pressure which can lead to kidney disease.
Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you consume. Also eat whole grain foods like whole-wheat pasta and bread instead of products like white bread that are made of refined grains. Such foods boost your general health and help you maintain a healthy weight, which in turn helps your kidneys health, notes the Australian State Government of Victoria's Better Health Channel.
How to Improve Kidney Function Naturally
Protein is an important part of any diet. It builds muscle and repairs damage in the body. Unfortunately, many sources of protein are harmful to someone at risk for kidney disease. When a diabetic, for example, eats animal protein, the levels of glomerular filtration rate(GFR) shoot up and reduce his function. After consuming soy protein, however, the person's GFR remains unchanged. Soy is a good choice for improving kidney function.
Drink soy milk or use it in a fresh fruit smoothie to get your daily intake of fruit. Soy protein powders are also available; they can be added to smoothies to increase protein intake. Experiment with different brands of soy protein bars until you find one you like.
The kidneys, blood pressure and sodium intake are all connected. By lowering sodium intake, you improve your blood pressure and your kidney function. The body needs some sodium, but you'll need to cut back a great deal.