
Diet Plan of Polycystic kidney disease

Diet Plan of Polycystic kidney disease
Attention to oral care: sooner or later, and after a meal to maintain oral hygiene, bad breath, reduce nausea, prevent bacteria and mold students.
Reasonable diet: the rational treatment of patients with polycystic kidney diet to controlthe deterioration of renal function progress is very important. Edible salt in 2-3 grams perday of low-salt diet is appropriate, eat potassium, phosphorus, diet to low protein, low-fat diet, eat foods rich in vitamins and plant crude fiber diet, maintain defecate unobstructed.
control of blood pressure: the emergence of high blood pressure will accelerate renaldamage, hypertension will be on the heart, cerebrovascular injury, have a polycystic kidney disease associated with cerebral aneurysms rupture caused by stroke and otherserious complications , it is to control blood pressure is critical to the rate of deteriorationof renal function, prevent complications.
prevent colds: polycystic kidney disease patients, such as colds, especially repeated colds could make the polycystic kidney disease patients renal impairment increase thepoints, play a worse deterioration role, will accelerate the progress of renal damage.
Prevent post-traumatic: the polycystic kidney disease cyst enlargement will lead to cystcapsule pressure increased, forcing the kidneys of patients with increasing intra-abdominal pressure increase. So when any slight trauma, such as sprains, bumps, fallswill increase the the eventration pressure or trauma external direct impact on theenlargement of cysts, prompting a high internal pressure of the cyst rupture, hemorrhage, it is easy to induce infections.
Strengthen the skin care: do patients with polycystic kidney, skin care, prevention ofskin infections, bed sores and associated complications in an important work, due touremic frost deposition on skin irritation, the patient often itching and discomfort, and affect sleep and scratch the skin vulnerable to infection. Therefore, should wash with warm water and scrub, keep the skin clean, avoid using soap and alcohol. Frequently changes of clothes, blankets. Patients with severe edema, but also should pay attention to protect the skin, to be frequently changed the decubital, massage of pressure areasand prevention of bedsores.
Confidence, and adherence to treatment, to keep the peace of mind, optimism.

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