
Chinese Herb Bath And Kidney Disease

Chinese Herb Bath And Kidney Disease
Chinese herb bath, dipping bath as another name, is one of the external therapies. As its name implies, Chinese herb bath means have a bath with hot medicine liquid or liquid containing medicine. Chinese herb bath originates from traditional Chinese medicine and has been attached great importance, because it can help treat many diseases.
In China, Chinese herb bath is used for treating different diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine considers visceras of human body and the external tissues or organs as an organic whole, which is connected by meridians and acupoints. While patients having Chinese herb bath, the effective ingredients in Chinese medicine can get into each organ through meridians and acupoints for the purpose of treating disease. Besides, the hot liquid can help improve blood circulation which is also very helpful for people’s health. Moreover, Modern researches have indicated that through treating disease with Chinese herb bath can avoid some side effects caused by oral medicines which will heart patients’ intestines and stomach, when they flow through these organs.
As traditional medicine, Chinese herb bath can be divided into several types and the most common three are full bath, hip bath, and lavipeditum. Full bath is suitable for people who have no contraindication. At the beginning, maybe you do not feel very well, which results from the long bath time and high temperature of bath liquid ; however, after finishing it, you will feel very comfortable because having a bath can help relax people, not only from physical, but also from mind . Hip bath is often used by woman who is in menstruation. Hip bath can help them enhance immunity and improve the condition of irregular menstruation. Lavipeditum, which is appropriate to all the people, has various functions such as improving blood circulation, relieving mental pressure, and promoting sleep.
Just as taking medicines, for Chinese herb bath some principles are necessary, for example, water temperature should be based on patients’ physical condition, bath time and bath parts, dosage is decided by patients’ illness condition as well as bath time, and medicine species must be determined, according to patients’ condition. Apart from that, the making of medicine liquid is also very important. Firstly, medicines should be crushed into powder and then be packaged with gauze. Secondly, soak these medicines in water for twenty minutes. Finally, boil these medicines for half an hour. When all these are finished, pour the medicine liquid into bath to wait for the proper temperature.
Chinese herb bath which is applied in more and more countries over the world is a traditional method in the field of medical treatment. It has a long history in China and has been widely adopted in clinic practice to help people recover from kidney disease.

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