
Diet Plan of Polycystic kidney disease

Diet Plan of Polycystic kidney disease
Attention to oral care: sooner or later, and after a meal to maintain oral hygiene, bad breath, reduce nausea, prevent bacteria and mold students.
Reasonable diet: the rational treatment of patients with polycystic kidney diet to controlthe deterioration of renal function progress is very important. Edible salt in 2-3 grams perday of low-salt diet is appropriate, eat potassium, phosphorus, diet to low protein, low-fat diet, eat foods rich in vitamins and plant crude fiber diet, maintain defecate unobstructed.
control of blood pressure: the emergence of high blood pressure will accelerate renaldamage, hypertension will be on the heart, cerebrovascular injury, have a polycystic kidney disease associated with cerebral aneurysms rupture caused by stroke and otherserious complications , it is to control blood pressure is critical to the rate of deteriorationof renal function, prevent complications.
prevent colds: polycystic kidney disease patients, such as colds, especially repeated colds could make the polycystic kidney disease patients renal impairment increase thepoints, play a worse deterioration role, will accelerate the progress of renal damage.
Prevent post-traumatic: the polycystic kidney disease cyst enlargement will lead to cystcapsule pressure increased, forcing the kidneys of patients with increasing intra-abdominal pressure increase. So when any slight trauma, such as sprains, bumps, fallswill increase the the eventration pressure or trauma external direct impact on theenlargement of cysts, prompting a high internal pressure of the cyst rupture, hemorrhage, it is easy to induce infections.
Strengthen the skin care: do patients with polycystic kidney, skin care, prevention ofskin infections, bed sores and associated complications in an important work, due touremic frost deposition on skin irritation, the patient often itching and discomfort, and affect sleep and scratch the skin vulnerable to infection. Therefore, should wash with warm water and scrub, keep the skin clean, avoid using soap and alcohol. Frequently changes of clothes, blankets. Patients with severe edema, but also should pay attention to protect the skin, to be frequently changed the decubital, massage of pressure areasand prevention of bedsores.
Confidence, and adherence to treatment, to keep the peace of mind, optimism.


Chinese Medication For Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited kidney disorder that enlarges the kidneys and interferes with their function because of multiple cysts on the kidneys.
The objective of this treatment is to improve all sysmptoms, prevent and treat later complications, correct imbalance, adjust the immune system and most importantly to boost energy and strong body for better health and quality of life. The purpose of this treatment is not to replace necessary orthodox medical treatment. A combination of both is recommended.
We recommend a herbal combination consisting of the following herbs and possibly others depending on the particular case. All these herbs are proven to be effective.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can play four effects in treating Polycystic Kidney Diseases: enlarging blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation and degradation.
First, enlarging blood vessels. Micro-Chinese medicine can expand renal artery at all levels, improve local microcirculation, increase effective renal perfusion, improve the condition of renal hypoxia, increase the local metabolism and accelerate the repair of damaged inherent kidney cells. What’s more, Chinese medicine can expand the blood vessels around the cyst wall, speed up its blood circulation and promote wall permeability. As a result, it can decrease the pressure of blood vessels on the cyst wall so that the fluid of the cyst will be absorbed by the blood. In this way, the cyst will shrink gradually.
Second, anti-inflammation. The active ingredients of Chinese medicine has the effects of anti-inflammation.
Third, Chinese medicine has the effects of anticoagulation. Damaged kidney inherent cells will activate the clotting mechanism of the body, leading to thrombosis. Chinese medicine can prevent it from forming.
Fourth, degradation. The active ingredients of Chinese medicine has the effects of degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulating on the kidney so that they will make room for kidney inherent cells and kidney units. And it also can expel the immune complex, metabolites and diseased tissues out of the body.


Symptoms And Treatment For Renal Cortical Cysts

Renal cortical cysts
Renal cortical cysts are simple interstitial fluid filled sacs near the outside region of the kidneys. They become more common as one grows older and usually grow to 10-15 centimeters or more. They can be found and located through an ultrasound. But usually not something to worry about, they are commonly benign.
Renal Cortical Cysts Symptoms
1. Feeling of Fullness
Once a cyst becomes large enough, it is common for patients to notice a premature feeling of fullness after eating . Some may become full or bloated after a few bites, while with others it is mild and may not be noticeable at all.
2. Back and Stomach Pain
A sore feeling in the lower back and stomach, on one or both sides, is common with patients who have renal cysts. The pain can range from dull ache to sharp pains that require medication for relief.
3. Frequent Urination
Many patients with renal cysts find they need to urinate more frequently, or they may feel the urge to urinate even when there is no urine present in the bladder. This can result in frequent trips to the restroom throughout the day and night.
Treatment For Renal Cortical Cysts
Puncturing and draining the cyst, then filling it with alcohol.Rarely, to shrink the cyst, your doctor inserts a long, thin needle through your skin and through the wall of the kidney cyst. Then the fluid is drained from the cyst. Your doctor may fill the cyst with an alcohol solution to prevent it from reforming. The cysts generally return after this type of procedure, so it's reserved for certain situations.
Surgery to remove the cyst. A large or symptomatic cyst may require surgery to drain and remove it. To access the cyst, the surgeon makes several small incisions in your skin and inserts special tools and a small video camera. While watching a video monitor in the operating room, the surgeon guides the tools to the kidney and uses them to drain the fluid from the cyst. Then the walls of the cyst are cut or burned away.
Learn more what is Renal cortical cysts


Chinese Herb Bath And Kidney Disease

Chinese Herb Bath And Kidney Disease
Chinese herb bath, dipping bath as another name, is one of the external therapies. As its name implies, Chinese herb bath means have a bath with hot medicine liquid or liquid containing medicine. Chinese herb bath originates from traditional Chinese medicine and has been attached great importance, because it can help treat many diseases.
In China, Chinese herb bath is used for treating different diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine considers visceras of human body and the external tissues or organs as an organic whole, which is connected by meridians and acupoints. While patients having Chinese herb bath, the effective ingredients in Chinese medicine can get into each organ through meridians and acupoints for the purpose of treating disease. Besides, the hot liquid can help improve blood circulation which is also very helpful for people’s health. Moreover, Modern researches have indicated that through treating disease with Chinese herb bath can avoid some side effects caused by oral medicines which will heart patients’ intestines and stomach, when they flow through these organs.
As traditional medicine, Chinese herb bath can be divided into several types and the most common three are full bath, hip bath, and lavipeditum. Full bath is suitable for people who have no contraindication. At the beginning, maybe you do not feel very well, which results from the long bath time and high temperature of bath liquid ; however, after finishing it, you will feel very comfortable because having a bath can help relax people, not only from physical, but also from mind . Hip bath is often used by woman who is in menstruation. Hip bath can help them enhance immunity and improve the condition of irregular menstruation. Lavipeditum, which is appropriate to all the people, has various functions such as improving blood circulation, relieving mental pressure, and promoting sleep.
Just as taking medicines, for Chinese herb bath some principles are necessary, for example, water temperature should be based on patients’ physical condition, bath time and bath parts, dosage is decided by patients’ illness condition as well as bath time, and medicine species must be determined, according to patients’ condition. Apart from that, the making of medicine liquid is also very important. Firstly, medicines should be crushed into powder and then be packaged with gauze. Secondly, soak these medicines in water for twenty minutes. Finally, boil these medicines for half an hour. When all these are finished, pour the medicine liquid into bath to wait for the proper temperature.
Chinese herb bath which is applied in more and more countries over the world is a traditional method in the field of medical treatment. It has a long history in China and has been widely adopted in clinic practice to help people recover from kidney disease.


Albumin And Kidney Disease

Microalbumin test is a test to diagnose the damage in your kidneys by valuing the protein in the urine. As for albumin in the protein, what is it and what are its functions?
As a product of the parenchyma in the liver, albumin occupies 40%-60% of the protein in the blood plasma. The combining rate of albumin is mainly depending on the level of the blood plasma even though the protein contained in the food also can have an influence on it. There is no remained albumin in the liver cells but you can find it in all the extracellular fluid. The quantity of albumin filtrated through the glomeruli can be as high as 3.6g each day, however, there are only 0.04% of them will be excreted via the urine, and the rest will be reabsorbed by the renal tubules.
What are the functions of albumin in the body?
I. Keep a constant plasma oncotic pressure.
Albumin is a kind of protein with the property of large quantity, little molecule, big solubility and comprehensive functions. With these properties, albumin can help to keep a stable plasma oncotic pressure which is a main energy for the liquid in the vain to return to the blood vessels. When the quantity of albumin in the plasma decreases, the plasma oncotic pressure will be reduced therewith, thus leading the water in the blood to get into the tissue fluid and result in swelling.
II. The function of transportation in albumin.
Albumin is a kind of selective transport protein and is closely related to the health of human body. Albumin can combine with many hard dissolved micromolecule organic matter and inorganicions, and then form a kind of complex substance which is easy to be dissolved, finally becomes the transform form of the blood circulation.
III. Other functions of the body.
As the majority of the protein in the blood plasma is albumin, the albumin is playing a role to protect the globulin which is able to keep the balance of metabolism.
Also, the albumin is a kind of nutrition. The amino acid produced by it can be used to produce tissue protein which can be decomposed and then provide energy for the body.
If the albumin is combining with active hormone or medicines, it can be inactive and be stored in the body which can adjust their balance in the metabolism.
Albumin will combine with the heavy metal ion and be excreted out of the body through the urine, thus remitting the toxin in the body. Therefore, taking food with rich albumin can help us avoid the poisoning caused by heavy metal ion.


Renal Cysts, no Symptom, Need I Treat

Patients: I have cysts in my kidney. I have no symptoms till now. Needn’t I treat it?
Doctor: It is an important find, which can avoid the further growth of the cysts. Generally, there is no symptom in the early stage. However, with the cysts growing, when people are more than 40 years old, symptoms will appear such as pain in the back, high blood pressure, hematuria, and even suffer from renal function decline. When cysts grow to some extent, they will rupture, which leads to infection.
In western countries, people usually adopt operation to diminish cysts, which can only diminish the bigger ones. In addition, operation can not prevent their occurrence. InShijiazhuangKidneyDiseaseHospital, we mainly use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.It contains much nutritious materials, which can improve the blood circulation including the micro-circulation in all arteries and improve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the kidney. After this, the damaged intrinsic cells can regain vigor and turn healthy.It can also accelerate the reabsoption of sac liquid, which can diminish cysts fundamentally. You can have a try.


How to Treat Bilateral Cystic Kidney Naturally

Bilateral cystic kidney is to say there are cysts in both two kidneys and it also can tell there are at least two cysts in the kidneys. Compared with unilateral cystic kidney, bilateral cystic kidney is more serious. Now, let’s have an analysis about this.
Every normal human being has two kidneys and these two kidneys work together to maintain our normal life; so we can get the conclusion that if both of our two kidneys are damaged, our life will be affected seriously. Seeing from this aspect, treating bilateral cystic kidney actively is of primary importance for patient.
In many countries, especially in western countries, people with bilateral cystic kidney are told to wait for surgery. Surgery is the traditional treatment for bilateral cystic kidney and it is effective in removing big cysts. However when big cysts are removed, there will be enough space for the small cysts. So after the surgery, the small cysts will grow rapidly and this needs patients to receive surgery repeatedly. Besides, surgery causes infections easily, which always aggravate kidney damages. Therefore, surgery is a suitable treatment for bilateral cystic kidney.
To help bilateral cystic kidney patient recover, Immunotherapy is created. Immunotherapy combines Chinese medicines and Immunotherapy , which are separately aimed at shrinking cysts and repairing kidney damages.
We know Chinese medicines have history of several thousands years and through large amounts of clinical practices in past years, some medicines are found to have functions of adjusting immune system, increasing immunity and promoting blood circulation. Under the effects of these functions, medical staff found that cysts can be shrunk effectively.
Immunotherapy , as an advanced medical treatment, is applied to recover kidney functions.
These two steps, say shrinking cysts and recovering kidney functions, are essential in treating bilateral cystic kidney and only when these two steps are achieved effectively, can bilateral cystic kidney be treated effectively.
Learn about Remedies for renal cyst

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