
What is the treatment of PKD disease

My husband has PKD and is seeing a Nephrologist in our town, however in doing some research I found a specialist in a nearby city that specializes in PKD and is recommended by the KidneyFoundation. the problem is his doctor won t give him a referral. I even went back to the original doctor that made the diagnosis but his office said he can t give the referral because it s been over two years since the original doctor has seen him. HELP! PKD is genetic kidney disease, so if we find a treatment which can eradicate PKD, our children will be free from this disease. However, how to eradicate PKD?
Actually, not every person with PKD gene will definitely suffer this disease. For some people, they may live with PKD gene for a life-long time without have any kidney damages. Although this case is rare, it exists truly.
Once PKD occurs, it is almost impossible for us to eradicate radically, because we have no methods to remove all the cysts from kidneys. Surgery is the traditional treatment for PKD and it treats PKD through breaking big cysts. We know PKD means there are countless cysts in the kidneys and surgery only can remove several cysts in one time, so it is impractical for us to eradicate PKD through surgery.TREATMENT TRE
As for treatment for PKD, Immunotherapy is worth trying. Immunotherapy combines Chinese medicines and Stem Cell Treatment which are separately applied to shrinking cysts and increasingrenal functions.

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