
PKD, High Creatinine of 5, High Blood Pressure

Illness description: I have PKD and both kidneys are affected. I have now high serum creatinine of 5, please advise options available. I also have high blood pressure and now am taking antihypertensive.
Illness analysis: High creatinine level means that the cysts have begin to affect your kidney functions.
PKD (polycystic kidney disease) is a kind of genetic disease and as the age increases, the cysts will become bigger and bigger. And our kidney also can be damaged. it has various complications, like backpain, abdominal mass (enlarged kidney), hematuresis, hypertension, cyst infection, in the end stage, patients may have hard breathing, nausea, vomit etc. In addition, many organs will be involved, like liver, pancreas. Patients may also some cardiovascular disease. The continuous growth of cysts can oppress kidney, damage kidney function.
Your cysts have been quite big, do you have back pain? Blood in urine?
High blood pressure is a common symptom in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). With the enlargement of the cysts, they will oppress the normal renal tissues leading to renal ischemia and anoxia as well as low blood perfusion. Therefore, the blood pressure will rise. If uncontrolled, the renal high blood pressure in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) will cause further pathological injury to kidneys resulting in renal fibrosis and elevated creatinine level. In return, the aggravation of the disease will cause the blood pressure to rise again, which may cause heart enlargement and even heart failure.
Now you are in the stage 4 of CKD. Please don't worry, in this stage, the kidney repair can be reversed.
For your illness condition, our hospital mainly use Herbal medicines , and other adjuvant therapies, like Chinese Herb Bath, acupuncture and so on.
The well-chosen medicines are shattered into powder and then are packed in bags made of special material. Then with the help of modern instrument, the effective medicine integrants will be able to be permeated into the kidney lesions directly from kidney area.
Then the effective medicine can work on the cysts and promote the resorption ability of the lining wall of the cysts. As a result, the cysts will stop growing and shrinking gradually.
Moreover, the medicine can dilate blood vessels to improve systemic blood circulation and increase the blood and nutrients supply to kidneys. Therefore, it can promote the self-repairing of the impaired renal functional cells due to oppression of the enlarged cysts

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