
What are the Treatments for Parapelvic Kidney Cysts

Parapelvic cysts are also called renal sinus cyst, pelvic cyst, peripelvic cyst or parapelvic lymphangiectasia. Parapelvic cysts are a rare form of simple renal cysts, and they are much more commonly associated with the symptoms of obstruction, pain, infection and stone formation. Surgical management is usually done for big cysts, lumbar pain, hematuria, hypertension and other complications. Otherwise there is nothing to be worried about.
Symptoms of large parapelvic kidney cysts
Frequent urination
High blood pressure
Pain in the abdomen
Pain in the back
Pain in the side
Blood in urine
Treatment options for parapelvic kidney cysts
1. Pain Management
People with kidney cysts can experience mild to severe pains in the back and side area. Mainstream treatments include taking acetaminophen or prescription pain medications; however, some natural treatments may also help.
Touch therapies such as acupressure and massage may relieve tension and pain in the affected area. During acupressure, the therapist works to restore energy flow in the body through specific pressure points. Massage focuses on working out points of tension and promoting relaxation.
2. High Blood Pressure Management
If you have high blood pressure, talk with your doctor about switching to a low-sodium and reduced-fat diet. Calorie consumption should also be limited for weight management, which can help lower blood pressure. Also, smokers should consider giving up the habit, which can aggravate this condition.
3. Needle Puncture
One option for removing a parapelvic cyst consists of puncturing the cyst and inserting alcohol inside the cyst to shrink it, according to MayoClinic.com. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. The physician inserts a needle through the skin until it punctures the cyst site on the kidney. Fluid is withdrawn from the cyst and re-filled with alcohol to decrease the chances of infection.
4. Laparoscopic Decortication
If the position of the cyst makes it difficult to remove, the physician may recommend a laparoscopic procedure. While using a video monitor to guide progress, the physician makes several incisions through the skin with tools that are placed near the cyst, explains the American Academy of Family Physicians. The tools are used to drain fluid from the cyst. Subsequently, the physician burns or cuts away the walls of the cyst. This procedure usually requires an overnight stay in the hospital.
5. Herbal medicines. Some herbs can help slow down the growth rate of the parapelvic cyst or even shrink the cyst so as to improve the ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys and provide favorable internal environment for repairing renal damages and recovering kidney functions.

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