How to Control My High Creatinine Level
Creatinine can be tested for via a blood sample or via a urine sample. On its own a blood sample is more accurate than a urine sample, though combining them together to form what is called a creatinine clearance test (both blood and urine) is the most accurate test.
The reference of normal creatinine level:
Male adults: Between 0.6 mg / dl to 1.2 mg / dl
Female adults: Between 0.5 mg / dl to 1. mg / dl
Infants: Around 0.2 mg / dl or more
Older children: Between 0.3 mg / dl to 0.7 mg / dl
Teenagers: Between 0.5 mg / dl to 1.0 mg / dl
High creatinine levels occur due to any number of diseases that cause the kidneys to shut down, including dehydration, shock, congestive heart failure, and bladder outlet obstruction.
In case of persistent high creatinine, consult with your doctor to develop a personalized diet that is low in protein. High creatinine levels in diabetic people are generally a sign of poor kidney function. The amount of protein you eat on this diet depends on how much you weigh, so do not attempt this diet on your own. You will also need to test frequently to be sure that the creatinine levels in your urine are increasing and the levels in your blood are decreasing. This indicates that the creatinine is being excreted properly. Doctors will prescribe Lasix, a strong diuretic, to promote urination. This is another reason a person with high creatinine levels must drink plenty of water which can help reduce its concentration and help discharge it with urination.
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