Stage 3 Kidney Disease, Serum Creatinine 2.4
Illness description: My serum creatinine is high and it increases to 2.4mg/dl from 1.8 within one month. My kidney problem was detected last year, but i did not feel obvious discomforts until last month.
Illness analysis:Here are several tips that may help with your daily life and anything else I can help, also feel free to ask.
Firstly, low potassium. High potassium content of foods should be forbidden: all kinds of edible fungi, potato, Chinese yam, cabbage, date, bananas, oranges, white fungus, peach, apricot, spinach, rape, etc.
Secondly, low salt high. Salt content of foods: MSG, soda, cracker, fine dried noodles, soy sauce, etc. Patients whose blood pressure is not stable or has severe edema, should avoid salt. In general, every patient takes salt less than 3 g every day.
Thirdly, low phosphorus. High phosphorus content of foods: marine food product and marine plant such as seaweed, laver, animal's bowels, sesame, tea, honey, yolk, etc.
Fourthly, low fat. note: It is forbidden to use animal oil while cooking. Take vegetable oil mainly, do not take in fatty food. It is better for the kidney disease patients to have corn oil contained unsaturated fatty acid.
Fifthly, high quality protein. We can take proper amount of egg white, milk and fine lean meat, the amount of intake should be less than 100g. Don't take every kind of nuts, such as peanuts, melon seeds and walnuts.
Last but not least, high vitamin. Take more vegetable and every kind of vitamin such as pear, apple, cucumber, tomato. Etc.
Anyway i need to know more about your illness conditions so that i can give you more targeted and effective suggestions such as what is the underlying cause of your kidney damages and elevated creatinine. Do you have high blood pressure or diabetes and how many years do you have these underlying cause and how are they controlled? What are your current treatments and how is the curative effects of your treatments.
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