
Stage 3 Kidney Disease, Serum Creatinine 2.4

Illness description: My serum creatinine is high and it increases to 2.4mg/dl from 1.8 within one month. My kidney problem was detected last year, but i did not feel obvious discomforts until last month.
Illness analysis:Here are several tips that may help with your daily life and anything else I can help, also feel free to ask.
Firstly, low potassium. High potassium content of foods should be forbidden: all kinds of edible fungi, potato, Chinese yam, cabbage, date, bananas, oranges, white fungus, peach, apricot, spinach, rape, etc.
Secondly, low salt high. Salt content of foods: MSG, soda, cracker, fine dried noodles, soy sauce, etc. Patients whose blood pressure is not stable or has severe edema, should avoid salt. In general, every patient takes salt less than 3 g every day.
Thirdly, low phosphorus. High phosphorus content of foods: marine food product and marine plant such as seaweed, laver, animal's bowels, sesame, tea, honey, yolk, etc.
Fourthly, low fat. note: It is forbidden to use animal oil while cooking. Take vegetable oil mainly, do not take in fatty food. It is better for the kidney disease patients to have corn oil contained unsaturated fatty acid.
Fifthly, high quality protein. We can take proper amount of egg white, milk and fine lean meat, the amount of intake should be less than 100g. Don't take every kind of nuts, such as peanuts, melon seeds and walnuts.
Last but not least, high vitamin. Take more vegetable and every kind of vitamin such as pear, apple, cucumber, tomato. Etc.
Anyway i need to know more about your illness conditions so that i can give you more targeted and effective suggestions such as what is the underlying cause of your kidney damages and elevated creatinine. Do you have high blood pressure or diabetes and how many years do you have these underlying cause and how are they controlled? What are your current treatments and how is the curative effects of your treatments.


PKD, PKD Stage 4, GFR 16

Illness description: my daughter has polycystic kidney disease. Her GFR is now 16. Cysts are throughout the kidneys and liver at this time. Her blood pressure is okay....she is on a low dose of Diovan. She now has to have 5 root canals done on her teeth before they will consider a transplant. We are waiting to see if Medicare will cover that cost and if not, we will have to find a dentist that does not accept medicare patients. No other changes other than her being anemic, which she has been for quite sometime.
Treatments for PKD
Firstly, before knowing how to treat cysts, you should know how can you have the cyst. as we know, PKD is a genetic disease, but why not 100% people with the genes have the disease? The main reason is the poor immunity that virus enter your body and cause inflammation, thus inducing the cysts. Cysts grow on the connecting position of kidney tubules and collecting ducts for there is hyperplasia. More and more cells will block the tubules, thus leading the retention of urine, forming cysts. With the enlargement of cysts, there is state of ischemia and anoxia. then renal cells will be damaged and kidney function will decrease. Patients will have some symptoms like blood urine, waist pain and so on.
Secondly, after knowing the causes clearly, there are three aspects for treatment.
1. block inflammation. there are many western and Chinese medicines can block the inflammation, thus stop the aggravation of cysts.
2. shrink and disappear the cysts. The cyst wall are blood vessels. We should apply medicines to improve blood circulation of the cyst wall, which can improve the permeability. then cyst fluid will flow out smoothly and discharge with blood circulation.
3. improve renal function. we must apply treatment for improving renal function or repairing the damaged kidney cells in case the relapse of the disease.
In addition, you should know that there are only 10% renal units have the cyst, so there are great hope for treating the disease. Don't worry, you know, PKD is not only the disease of cyst, but a whole body disease. we also suggest the treatment for improving immunity. After a systematic treatment, the disease can be treated.
Finally, there are many medicines for inflammation. Because we have not seen your daughter, we can not tell you the specific medicines. As for her anemia, if the symptoms can not be controlled, she can try inject EPO. The above are the treating suggestions.


Immunotherapy for Treating Kidney Failure

Immunotherapy is the latest treatment for kidney failure. Here is the brief introduction of immunotherapy and it can be divided into 5 steps.
Firstly, Immune diagnosis
Why we can not get a good effect after having tried many therapies in treating kidney disease? why does kidney disease relapse easily? That is because we don't find the reason of kidney disease. so in this step, we should find out the harmful substances which cause damage to kidneys, which part of our kidney is damaged, is glomerulis or renal tubules? Our hospital has brought the most advanced equipment to do the special tests, like lymphocyte subsets which can judge patient's immune function; toxins in urine, which can tell us what kinds of toxins are accumulated in patient's body. These toxins may contain uric acid, creatinine, b2-microglobulin, CYS-C, retinol binding protein, homocysteine, parathyroid hormone. If patients have protein in urine, we also can judge which type of protein it is by urinary protein electrophoresis, then we can offer proper treatment schedule.
Secondly, Immune clearance
After finding out the harmful substances in our body, we should clear them. During this step, our hospital can clear the harmful substances (containing micromolecule substances, middle molecular substances, and macromolecules) with the help of many kinds of blood purification equipment, like immunosprption technics, plasma exchange and so on. Then the further damage to our kidneys and other organs can be stopped.
Thirdly, Immune blocking:
The above steps of treatment only aim at the harmful substances in our blood, and has no effect on the harmful substances deposited in kidneys, because there are specific attachment region on the face of kidneys, so when the harmful substances move to kidneys with the blood circulation, they will deposit in kidney, and cause imflammatory reaction. so in this step,we will use some specific immunosuppressive agents to block the reaction. But in western medicine, immunosuppressive agents are also adopted commonly, why it can not get a good therapeutic effect, the reason is that the kinds and quantity of harmful substances are not known, so doctors are often not sure the dose of medicine.
Fourth, Immune regulation
During this step of treatment, we will solve the deposition of harmful substances in kidneys. When our kidney is damaged, the blood flow volume in kidneys will reduce, so our hospital will use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to increase the blood flow volume in kidneys. You may have heard of Chinese medicine (Chinese herbs) before. Here only a simple affix “Micro-“is added before it, but it means a lot improvement in treating kidney disease. Traditional Chinese herbs are oral medicine. Firstly, they burden the kidneys, because the kidney is the organ responsible for filtrating fluid. Secondly, most of Chinese herbs decoction is bitter to drink. Many patients cannot bear them. Lastly, the rate of sorption by kidneys is very low, for it arrives at renal lesions through many tracts, such as digestive tract and gastrointestinal tract.
However, micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is different from traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Here, Chinese herbs are superfinely shattered into powder and packaged in a sack. When used, the sack should be soaked in the special penetrant for around two hours and then be heated for one hour or so. After all is ready, patients just need to lie in bed with two sacks attached to renal regions. What’s more, the sacks are connected with an osmosis device, the mechanism of which is to promote permeation of medicine by vibration indirectly controlled by electron pulse. In this way, the ingredients of Chinese medicine can efficiently permeate into the renal lesions, realizing the goal of treating kidney disease effectively. Patients would feel massaged during the treatment, very comfortable. Usually this treatment is given 2-3times every day and 45mins each time. Specifically speaking, Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation of kidneys. In addition, it can also decrease inflammatory reaction and degrade extracellular matrixes (ECM) both of which contribute to fibrosis of renal functional cells. In this way, Micro-Chinese Medicine can effectively prevent fibrosis and thereby stop kidney disease from progressing.
Fifth, Immune reconstruction
As we know, the reason of kidney disease is damaged immune system and low immunity, so if we want to avoid the relapse of kidney disease, we should to rebuild our immune system and improve our immunity.
Though it can benefit kidney patients a lot, it can not recover all your kidney functions. But so long as certain parts of kidney functions are improved, that can help you avoid dialysis, improve life quality and prolong life expectancy.
For any questions, you can leave us a message and we will send you free illness analysis.


Shrinking Kidney Cysts and Lowering Creatinine Level

So what we should to do is to shrink your cysts in your kidney and improve your renal function.
And the treatment for you we use Micro-Chinese Medicine. This is the natural treatment, without any side-effect for the patients.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is abstracted from the Chinese herbs, without any side-effect for the human body. This treatment is not surgery, not oral taking medicine, this is the external application treatment.This treatment can supply a favorable internal environment for repairing damaged renal tissues and recovering kidney functions.
Active ingredients in the medicines have the functions of dilating blood vessels, increasing blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation of extracellular matrix.
And as have your kidney function recovered then your creatinine level will be decreased to normal range naturally and your hematuria will be improved.
Proper diets can also help slow down growth rate of the cysts and control high creatinine.
· Drink herbal teas such as Dandelion Leaf and Green Tea as they support the function of the kidneys filtration and are also gentle diuretics
· The best advice to support the role of the kidneys is to ensure adequate fluid intake, at least 2 litres of water/ day. There is a saying which goes “the solution to pollution is dilution” which explains the role the kidneys place in removal of wastes from the body
· Reduce diuretics in the diet such as sugar, tea, alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks. These place an extra burden on the kidneys filtration and can cause the body to lose more water and disrupt the sodium and potassium balance. Reduce alcohol intake as alcohol can dramatically reduce kidney function by causing a diuretic action which leads to dehydration and places a burden on the kidneys to remove the waste aldehyde from the system
· An alkaline diet rather than an acidic diet cleanses and tones the kidneys. An alkaline diet involves eating foods such fresh vegetables and fruits, lemon juice, water, brown rice, miso soup and vegetable juices. An acidic diet is foods like sugar, wheat, dairy, red meat, oranges, alcohol, preserved and processed foods
· Have a vegetable juice each day to encourage liver detoxification and kidney filtration. Some ideas are fresh juiced beetroot, carrot, celery and ginger or watermelon or pineapple, green apple and mint
· Reduce foods such as sugar, tea, coffee, alcohol, soft drinks and table salt (an alternative for this is Celtic Sea Salt) as these tend to hold onto fluid in the body
· Decrease sodium (table salt) consumption in your diet and replace with sea salt or vegetable salt. Sodium is important for the health of the kidneys but not in excessive amounts. Sea salt is rich in many minerals without being refined and does not contain aluminium (used in table salt to keep the salt dry)
· Vegetable broths are very nutrient rich for the health of the kidneys as well as alkalising excess acidity levels to help take the burden off the kidneys filtration system. You can make a broth by boiling kidney beans and a mix of vegetables such as onions, celery, carrot, beetroot, spinach, sea salt, wakame (sea vegetables/ seaweed) and drinking a cup of the broth daily. This recipe is also very rich in minerals which again will help to fortify and nourish the kidneys
· Caffeine, simple sugars and sugar alternatives (sorbitol) irritate the kidneys


Scientific and Systemic Treatment for PKD

Firstly, Immune diagnosis
You know before we medicine or the treatment we must know the root exactly ,And our hospital has the special survey which is the most advanced and systematic equipments in the examination.And find out the harmful substances. So it can help us treat the disease exactly.
Secondly, Immune clearance
After finding out the harmful substances in our body, we should clear them. During this step, our hospital can clear the harmful substances(containing micromolecule substances, middle molecular substances, and macromolecules) with the help of many kinds of blood purification equipment, like immunosorbent technics, plasma exchange and so on. Then the further damage to our kidneys and other organs can be stopped.
Thirdly, Immune blocking:
The above steps of treatment only aim at the harmful substances in our blood, and has no effect on the harmful substances deposited in kidneys,because there are specific attachment region on the face of kidneys, so when the harmful substances move to kidneys with the blood circulation,they will deposit in kidney, and cause imflammatory reaction. so in this step,we will use some specific immunosuppressive agents to block the reaction. But in western medicine, immunosuppressive agents are also adopted commonly, why it can not get a good therapeutic effect, the reason is that the kinds and quantity of harmful substances are not known, so doctors are often not sure the dose of medicine.
Fourth, Immune regulation
During this step of treatment, we will solve the deposition of harmful substances in kidneys. When our kidney is damaged, the blood flow volume in kidneys will reduce, so our hospital will use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to increase the blood flow volume in kidneys. However, micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is different from traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Here, Chinese herbs are superfinely shattered into powder and packaged in a sack. When used, the sack should be soaked in the special penetrant for around two hours and then be heated for one hour or so. After all is ready, patients just need to lie in bed with two sacks attached to renal regions. What’s more, the sacks are connected with an osmosis device, the mechanism of which is to promote permeation of medicine by vibration indirectly controlled by electron pulse. In this way, the ingredients of Chinese medicine can efficiently permeate into the renal lesions, realizing the goal of treating kidney disease effectively. Patients would feel massaged during the treatment, very comfortable. Usually this treatment is given 2-3times every day and 45mins each time. Specifically speaking, Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation of kidneys. In addition, it can also decrease inflammatory reaction and degrade extracellular matrixes (ECM)
both of which contribute to fibrosis of renal functional cells. In this way, Micro-Chinese Medicine can effectively prevent fibrosis and thereby stop kidney disease from progressing.
Fifth, Immune reconstruction
As we know, the reason of kidney disease is damaged immune system and low immunity, so if we want to avoid the relapse of kidney disease,we should to rebuild our immune system and improve our immunity.
What to learn more, you can leave us a message. We will try to give you a satisfying reply as soon as possible.

ADPKD, Chinese Medicines and Daily Cares

Illness description: My wife has ADPKD and she has begun dialysis since 2010. Her GFR at 2010 is about 16ml/min. Now my daughter is found have polycystic kidney disease. Is there any treatment or medicines for curing the disease?
The following are the medicines that my wife take:
(1) Prazosin Hydrochloride - 2mg. = 2+2+2+2. (2) Nifedipine - 2mg. = 2+2+2. (3) Atenolol BP – 50 = 1+0+1. (4) Losartan Potassium – 50 = 1+0+1. (5) Furosemide BP - 40mg. = 4+4+0. (6) Diphenyl Hydantoin - 100mg. = 0+0+2. (7) Levosalbutamol - 1mg. = 1+0+1. (8) Bambuterol Hydrochloride - 10mg. = 0+0 +1 (9) Desloratadine inn - 5mg. = 0+0+1. (10) Calcium Acetate - 667mg. = 1+0+1. (11) Domperidone - 10mg. = 1+1+1. (12) Rabeprazole Sodium IP 20mg. = 1+1+1. (13) Atorvastatin - 20mg. = 0+1+1. (14) Multivit = 0+0+1.(15) Clonozapam BP*– 0.5mg. = 0+0+1.
Illness analysis: To be honest, your wife’s condition is severe. Her kidney cysts are very large and the big cysts have caused damage to her renal tissues. Her GFR was about 16ml/min at 2010. It means that her kidney function was about 16% at that time.
Besides, among her medicines, the first four medicines are taken for controlling blood pressure. Others are for relieving various symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea, difficult breathing, etc. That is to say, no medicine can shrink her cysts or repair the damaged renal tissues. Therefore, the medicines she takes don’t treat her PKD but just relieve her symptoms.
Also, the levels of urea and creatinine are high. This is because the damaged kidneys cannot filter metabolic wastes in the blood normally. A healthy kidney mainly has three functions, namely filtration function, secretion function as well as regulating electrolyte and water in blood. Due to the excess pressure from big cysts to renal tissues, the kidneys are damaged and kidney functions are impaired.
Of course, her condition is not too severe to be handled with. She still has chance to get much improvement by receiving Chinese herb medicine. As you mentioned, she has no anemia, which indicates that her kidneys can produce moderate EPO. She has no itching problem, which shows that her blood phosphorus is not very high and eletrolyte is relatively balanced.
At present, your wife faces two problems. One is the increasing cysts; the other is the damaged renal tissues, or rather renal functional cells. Chinese herb medicine is mainly used to shrink and restrain the cyst and improve kidney function.
As to your daughter, she is at the early stage. The most important thing for her is to restrain the growth of her cysts. The doctor doesn’t give her any medicine. This is because there is no effective medicine in western medical science to prevent kidney function impairment. In western medicine, only when PKD patients have symptoms, for example, hypertension, the doctor will give them anti-hypertensive medicine to relieve such problem. However, Chinese medical science is different. Chinese herb medicine can restrain the growth of the cysts so as to protect kidney function.
Chinese herb medicine
Chinese medicines are mainly composed of herbs, insects and animal parts. One prescription contains many herbs. Each herb has its own effect, and all of them interact with each other, producing other effects. The prescription for PKD includes about 20 Chinese medicines, such as Szechwan Lovage Rhizome, Tetradium ruticarpum, ganoderma, Cordyceps, etc.
It is not a surgery but a conservative external application therapy. Chinese herb medicines applied to treat PKD are superfinely shattered and then packaged in sacks. After soaked and heated for some time, two sacks filled with medicines are attached to patient’s renal region. With the help of an osmosis device, ingredients of herb medicines can permeate into renal lesion via acupoints and channels (a term in Chinese medical science)
Chinese herb medicine also cannot change the abnormal genes in patients with PKD. It has some advantages over western medicine, because apart from relieving symptoms like western medicine does, Chinese medicine also can improve ischemia and anoxia of renal tissues and repair the damaged renal functional cells as well as doing with the increasing kidney cysts. Speaking in detailedly, Chinese herb medicine takes effect mainly from the follow aspects.
1) Some herb medicines have effects of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation as well as preventing blood viscosity, dilating blood vessels and degrading extra cellular matrixes. Therefore, Chinese herb medicine can improve blood circulation and thereby improve ischemia and anoxia of renal tissues. As you know, ischemia and anoxia are the key factors of renal fibrosis.
2) Chinese herbs can supply vitamin, micronutrients, organic acid and other nutrients for repairing the damaged renal functional cells. Also, some herbs stimulate DNA replication of the damaged cells, thus speeding up the progress of cells’ self-repair.
3) Chinese herb medicine deals with kidneys cysts mainly through increasing the permeability of cyst walls and restraining secretion of cyst fluids. Compared with removing cysts by surgery, Chinese herb medicine is relatively slow, but it can deal with both small and big cysts and won’t cause any damage to the kidneys issues.
Besides, here are some tips for your wife and daughter.
1) Please avoid factors that cause a cold or infection. Either of them can aggravate illness condition.
2) In my mind, Bengali people like dancing and are able to dance beautifully. I guess that Rasha, as a teenager girl is also good at dancing. In this case, I advise her not to dance excessively, or rather not to do strenuous exercise, especially contacting sports,such as basketball, volleyball,etc.
3) Avoid wearing the belt tightly. This may lay pressure on cysts.
4) Female with PKD is easy to develop urinary tract infection. To prevent UTI, female should use shower instead of bath in a tub, and pass urine timely as well as cleaning vulva often.
5) Follow healthy diet and avoid alcohol, tobacco and spicy foods.

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