Multiple Cysts on Right Kidney, Diabetes, Diets and Treatments
Question: I was told by my doctor that I have multiple cysts in kidney, but the cysts are only found in right kidney and the largest one is 28mm. I also have a cyst on my liver. What makes the condition even more complex is that I became diabetes about 2 years ago. Will I develop kidney failure and how to prevent that?
Answer: your illness condition is not very severe since the cyst is not very large and it is in the early stage, so do not worry. With proper and effective preventions and treatments, the illness conditions can be brought under control and you can just live a normal life.
Since you have diabetes which makes the condition a little bit complex, if you suffer from high blood sugar, you need first to control and maintain blood sugar within safe and stable level. Here are some diet suggestions for diabetic and renal patients.
Your diabetic and renal diet also should consist of non-carbohydrate high-protein foods. You can eat limited amounts of cottage cheese (which has high sodium levels, so sparingly), eggs (or a low-cholesterol substitute), fish, lean cuts of meat, poultry and seafood (without boiling in high-sodium seasonings).
Among meat and high-protein foods you should avoid are cheeses (American, cheddar and Swiss); dried beans (such as kidney, lentil, lima, pinto or soy); high-sodium meats (such as bacon, canned and luncheon meats, hot dogs, organ meats, pepperoni, salami and sausages); nuts and peanut butter.
As for treatments for shrinking these multiple cysts in right kidney, I recommend natural way---herbal medicines. It takes effects through the following ways.
First, Effective ingredients of Herbal medicines promotes the blood inflow to kidneys and enhance the flow speed of blood circulation. By this, the Suction of blood flow will be more powerful. Just imaging blood flow as a tornado, the quicker the pace of ration, the harder things can avoid its suction. Second, ingredients of TCM soften the cyst wall, and inactivate cyst wall’s secretion of liquid. Softened cyst wall paves way for easier cyst liquid filtrating out into blood capillaries, and inactivated cyst wall become incapable of secreting more cyst liquid. So, once these cysts in kidney are shrunk, they hardly have the chance for relapse.
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