Creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism in the human body, 20g each muscle metabolism can produce 1mg creatinine, creatinine is an important part of the glomerular (kidney) filtration excreted from the two kinds of exogenous and endogenous serum creatinine, meat food product of the in vivo metabolism of exogenous creatinine; endogenous creatinine is muscle tissue in vivo metabolic product of muscle metabolism in the body and no major changes in the stability of the meat food intake., creatininegenerated will be relatively constant.
Clinical detection of serum creatinine is one of the common understanding of renal creatinine is how it goes? Endogenous creatinine is the production of human muscle metabolism: objects in the muscle, creatine, mainly through the irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction to the formation of creatinine slowly, and then released into the bloodstream, with the urinary excretion of serum creatinine and total body muscle are closely related and less susceptible to diet shadow. creatinine small molecules, kidney / j the ball filter However, very little absorption in the renal tubules, creatinine, daily body produces almost all of the urine, are generally not subject to urine output affect renal insufficiency, creatinine, harmful toxins accumulate in the body. normal plasma creatinine The upper limit of about 100 micromoles / liter.
How Long can Live with Stage 4 PKD
In grade 4 kidney PKD, the renal cysts will move out being enlarged continuously. The burst of cysts is commonly brought about credited within the influence of some exterior forces. on this stage, patients usually existing signs or symptoms this kind of as foamy urine, occult blood, back nonetheless again pain, hypertension, surplus urination at night, etc.
Polycystic Kidney Disease in the near future. What they should do now is receive more effective treatment to control the growth of the cysts rather than worring about how long they can live.
To prolong the life expectancy of Stage 4 Kidney disease,patients also need to receive effective treatment : Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: is externally applied to restrain the enlargement of PKD cysts and shrink them in size over time. So we can prevent the progression of the disease and protect the remaining kidney function from deteriorating.
Is Ketosteril Effective in Lowering Creatinine Level
Indications: with the low-protein diet, prevention and treatment of chronic renal insufficiency caused by the damage caused by protein metabolism disorders. Typically used for glomerular filtration rate less than 25 ml per minute in patients. Low protein diet adult daily protein intake of 40 grams or 40 grams.
Use of drugs and other calcium allows calcium levels. In uremic patients taking this treatment, such as the use of aluminum hydroxide drugs need to reduce the dose of aluminum hydroxide. Note that the decline of the serum phosphorus level. Order not to affect drug absorption, the drug combined with the formation of insoluble complexes with calcium (such as: tetracycline, quinolones such as ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin, iron, fluoride and containing estrogen MO Secretary Ting drugs) should not be open with the same time taking, taking these drugs and to open the same interval of at least two hours. Calcium increased to increase cardiac glycoside sensitivity to drugs, and therefore increase the risk of arrhythmia.
How to Lower Serum Creatinine from the Root
Serum creatinine is high due to the kidney by the various causes of violations of the first impaired renal inherent cell phenotypic change occurs, the formation of pathological changes, to stimulate kidney fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, but also violated and inspiredinherent in normal kidney tissue, the occurrence of the same disease, thus forming a kidney from point to plane, from the local to the whole, the expansion of the excitation spread process, to enter the device quality of the injury period (ie, renal injury period), thendue to kidney damage, the excretion of waste function decreased, causing the aggregation of creatinine and other toxins in the body, which appears within the blood creatinine, urea nitrogen, creatinine, decreased urine, kidney filtration rate decreased. Patients also have high blood pressure, a high degree of swelling of the body.
Generally use western medicine western medicine treatment creatinine or dialysis treatment serum creatinine. Dialysis, only an alternative therapy is to replace our kidneys to stop the in vitro detoxification, can temporarily relieve the symptoms of poisoning, but not fundamentally repair damaged kidneys, if there is other incentives, it will repeatedly increase the condition. Restorative treatment to impaired renal units, increasing the ability of self-detoxification of the kidneys, so that creatinine only natural decline in creatinine reasons for the following: an existing renal insufficiency, such as co-infection, including flu, pneumonia , intestinal infections, urinary tract infection, elevated serum creatinine in the short term. Body water loss, such as fever, sweating, reduced water intake, polyuria of the blood concentration, the reduction in renal blood flow, elevated serum creatinine. 3, the original kidney disease patients, the use of drugs damage the kidneys, and can appear elevated serum creatinine, even irreversible. The original kidney disease patients, relapse, oliguria, and even urine, can be combined acute renal failure, resulting in serum creatinine increased. 5 life, exertion, resting well, the details of life do not pay attention, can also cause elevated serum creatinine. Existing hypertension, blood pressure not controlled, long-term, medium and massive proteinuria (24 hour total urinary protein greater than 1 g or 1.5 g), can slow progress unknowingly serum creatinine
Is Ketosteril Effective in Lowering Serum Creatinine
Creatinine, usually refers to serum creatinine, check blood creatinine content to determine the renal function status indicators. Creatinine the higher creatinine than normal general status of renal injury is more serious, but also to remind the kidney disease suffer from dry, early, if the creatinine value is not high, but also pay attention to the protection of renal function. Age of patients? Now how high creatinine? You have to open with other treatment drugs do? Treatment creatinine is high, you want to look farther, that is, the creatinine high just uremia, renal failure in patients with symptoms of a disease, the treatment of headache medicine head-gap, we can not simply be trying to measure the rise and fall of creatinine, while from the onset of the reasons to start a step-by-step treatment. Ketosteril with the low-protein diet, protein metabolic disorders, prevention and treatment of chronic renal failure not much of a role in the reduction of creatinine,
Serum creatinine high how to do, if we can contribute to muscle phagocytic fibroblast apoptosis and immune complexes in the early to reduce the synthesis of extracellular matrix, degradation of extracellular matrix, to reduce the destruction of the extracellular matrix of kidney tissuegradual reversal of impaired renal function. Organization kidney damage may also partially repaired, renal function can also be gradually restored, then gradually extend the duration of dialysis, widening the dialysis interval, or even get rid of dialysis. Creatinine values are an important basis for renal failure in phases. Clinical renal damage, the amount of creatinine, renal failure is divided into the following four: 1. Renal failure decompensation of serum creatinine 133 442μmoL / L; renal failure in decompensated serum creatinine 177 ~~ 442μmoL / L; period of renal failure: serum creatinine 442 707μmoL / L; 4. uremia: serum creatinine> 707μmoL / L,. Creatinine increased renal fibrosis, with normal nephron filtration function is replaced by fibrous tissue, loss of a detoxification function, your treatment can not simply rely on lowering creatinine. Creatinine increased, a variety of reasons, including both non-kidney damage caused by the rise, including kidney damage lead to the rise, no matter what the causes of elevated creatinine, should be in a timely manner to a regular hospital check-ups, in order to early detection of disease, to secure the best timing of treatment.
Diagnosis for Right Kidney Cysts
A lot of kidney patients or family members are very concerned about this problem, renal cysts start the formation of cystic dilatation of the tubular wall or small prominent proliferation of renal epithelial cells, accumulate within the renal ball or epithelial fluid secretion, and tubular common wall with neighboring extracellular matrix integration, and ultimately the formation of isolated cysts. The larger cysts may change the kidney shape and compression of the surrounding tissue, causing severe ureteral obstruction, effusion, infection. Simple renal cysts are asymptomatic are generally not considered for treatment, but patients with this idea is incorrect, experts say the sooner the better for the treatment of renal cysts. Do not wait for the cyst is growing, low back pain, hematuria, hypertension, recurrent infections, urinary tract obstruction, and other symptoms go to treatment, this will increase the difficulty of healing.
1, the initial diagnosis
① urine examination normal urine, if the capsule of the oppression of the renal parenchyma or in combination with intracapsular infection, a small amount of red blood cells and white blood cells in urine.
② B ultra understand the situation of the cyst number, size, wall. Renal mass can be differentiated as the preferred screening method. Typical B-super-performance anechoic lesion, wall smooth, clear boundary should be alert to the malignant transformation; wall show irregular echo or limitations of echogenic wall thickening; secondary infection, lesion fine echo, intracystic bleeding echogenic. When imaging prompted to have multiple cysts with multilocular cysts, polycystic kidney disease should be distinguished.
③ Intravenous pyelogram (ivp) shows the oppression of the degree of renal cysts, and can be differentiated from hydronephrosis.
2, for further examination
CT, B-ultrasound can not determine those valuable cysts with hemorrhage, infection, malignancy, showing the heterogeneity of CT values increased when the CT showed the characteristics of the cyst, no further cyst puncture.
3, the diagnostic criteria
① Early renal cysts are usually asymptomatic, often in the medical B timeout is found that the cyst diameter of> 10cm, causing symptoms. Intracapsular infection bleeding of waist and abdomen pain pain worse.
② Physical examination even in the waist and abdomen to the cystic mass.
③ B extraordinary can confirm the diagnosis of suspected malignant transformation can be used for further examination of the methods listed.
④ Renal cysts and renal cell carcinoma, hydronephrosis, renal multilocular cyst, polycystic differentiated.
Diet Advice for Kidney Cyst Patients
First, limit protein intake
(1) according to their own eating habits and opinions of experts, the development of a both decreased protein intake but also to meet the everyday needs of personalized programs.
(2) to fully understand the type of protein. Some people only know that the protein refers to pork, beef, lamb, fish, chicken and other animal protein, but it ignores the existence of a number of vegetable proteins such as beans, grains and fruits and vegetables.
(3) high-quality protein foods, such as: lean meat, chicken, fish and eggs.
Second, limiting salt intake
(1) prior to the purchase and consumption of food, we must develop the habit to read the above labels. Understand the content and proportion of food components, helps to calculate the daily intake, while avoiding excessive levels of salt or preservatives.
(2) to avoid the consumption of processed cheese, canned meat, salted food or smoked meat. Because these things usually contain high salt.
(3) in the cooking of food, less put some salt. You can use lemon, vanilla or other spices instead of salt to increase the aroma of food. We should also note that some spices also contain salt; it should be used in moderation.
(4) to consult the doctor to see whether it can use some salt substitutes. Because some kidney disease patients sometimes need to limit the intake of potassium, salt substitutes commodities often high content of potassium, so before use to doctors to understand their situation, to see if appropriate.
Third, limiting the number of dairy intake
Renal cysts in patients with weight loss significantly suggestions:
(1) You can eat some bread and tortilla like food to alleviate hunger. But avoid some of the high salt content of French fries and other snacks.
(2) You can use to increase the heat in the foods as butter, vegetable oil or mayonnaise. Olive oil is the best choice in the vegetable oil. In addition, much better than the stick of butter, soft butter.
(3) can be considered to increase the body's energy and heat with honey. Of course, if you have diabetes, you need to be careful eating.
(4) is best to keep in mind: the normal and regular eating time is very important for normal digestion and absorption.
Fourth, the restriction of phosphorus intake
(1) Limit the intake of some dairy products such as milk, yogurt and ice cream.
(2) Avoid nuts, peanut butter, lentils, and peas.
(3) Avoid drinking beer, cola drinks and beverages containing cocoa powder.
Fifth, restrictions on water intake
(1) every day do not ingest more than 48 ounces of water. This includes a liquid state at room temperature foods, such as: soup, fruit juices and ice cream.
(2) To remember that some of the raw water rich fruits and vegetables would count into the content of the liquid. Common high water content fruits and vegetables: grapes, oranges, apples, pears, celery and lettuce.
Can Renal Cysts Be Cured
How can efficient control cyst? Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospitals in order to solve the troubles of the disease for the majority of patients, after several years of research and practice of traditional Chinese medicine and modern high-tech in order to avoid the limitations of conventional Western medicine treatment combined with the successful development of a new approach to the treatment of renal cysts - of micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine. Of micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine not only to avoid repeated to improve the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the characteristics of micro-based medicine penetrate therapy is reflected in two aspects.
On the mode of administration, the penetration of traditional Chinese medicine micro-processing + body extravasation. The processing of traditional Chinese medicine is crushing and boiling. We use high-tech micro-processing technology to make the powder finer, easier to absorb, and penetration through the kidney area in vitro Chinese medicine active substances directly served kidney damage lesions, drug utilization.
The treatment principle of micro-medicine-based + Western medicine supplemented. With Western, in order to better play the role of micro-based medicine for high blood pressure, anemia and other serious complications in patients with renal cysts, the symptoms of control, but this is not enough. Also need to continue to inhibit cyst fluid secretion and intrinsic renal cells to repair, the only way to really shrink the cyst is no longer relapse. Micro therapy for the penetration of traditional Chinese medicine is the treatment of renal cysts, there are two main parts:
Of micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine for the treatment of the cyst: cyst growth trend therapy, this method is characterized by:
An expansion of renal cysts with peripheral vascular wall of blood vessels, accelerate the wall of blood circulation, promote the increase in wall permeability; promote the pressure drop in the wall of blood vessels; reversed due to intravascular pressure higher than the intracapsular pressure differential pressure; accelerated cyst fluid of water to the blood vessels back to the absorption.
2, micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances inhibit the continued secretion of the epithelial cells of the cyst wall to prevent the wall of blood vessels and cysts continue enlargement. Drugs promote the circulation of the blood on the wall, cyst fluid constantly back to the absorption, and inhibition of cyst epithelial cells. Final volume of the cyst will be gradually shrunk until they reach the ideal state, so that renal cysts can be cured.
On the mode of administration, the penetration of traditional Chinese medicine micro-processing + body extravasation. The processing of traditional Chinese medicine is crushing and boiling. We use high-tech micro-processing technology to make the powder finer, easier to absorb, and penetration through the kidney area in vitro Chinese medicine active substances directly served kidney damage lesions, drug utilization.
The treatment principle of micro-medicine-based + Western medicine supplemented. With Western, in order to better play the role of micro-based medicine for high blood pressure, anemia and other serious complications in patients with renal cysts, the symptoms of control, but this is not enough. Also need to continue to inhibit cyst fluid secretion and intrinsic renal cells to repair, the only way to really shrink the cyst is no longer relapse. Micro therapy for the penetration of traditional Chinese medicine is the treatment of renal cysts, there are two main parts:
Of micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine for the treatment of the cyst: cyst growth trend therapy, this method is characterized by:
An expansion of renal cysts with peripheral vascular wall of blood vessels, accelerate the wall of blood circulation, promote the increase in wall permeability; promote the pressure drop in the wall of blood vessels; reversed due to intravascular pressure higher than the intracapsular pressure differential pressure; accelerated cyst fluid of water to the blood vessels back to the absorption.
2, micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances inhibit the continued secretion of the epithelial cells of the cyst wall to prevent the wall of blood vessels and cysts continue enlargement. Drugs promote the circulation of the blood on the wall, cyst fluid constantly back to the absorption, and inhibition of cyst epithelial cells. Final volume of the cyst will be gradually shrunk until they reach the ideal state, so that renal cysts can be cured.
Treatments for Unilateral Renal Cysts
Unilateral renal cysts should be treated? The human body has two kidneys, which are located in the waist on both sides, the so-called unilateral renal cysts is one of the renal cyst situation, while the other kidney performance. What are the differences of unilateral renal cysts and bilateral renal cysts and what are the common methods of treatment of single renal cyst?
1, not the urinary tract trauma examination
The role of single renal cyst puncture is not only susceptible to infection, easy to relapse, and after long-term observation, the surgery can not delay the occurrence of renal damage. Surgical excision of the cyst is not an easy task, because the cysts of the kidney surface can be cut off, but cut off buried deep in the kidneys of the cyst is quite difficult.
2, if necessary, surgical resection
Only a few cysts will lead to the associated abnormalities requiring treatment is really necessary treatment of single renal cysts can be guided needle aspiration and capsule in injecting drug to treatment. This is a common treatment of single renal cysts.
3, diet therapy
The common method of treatment of single renal cysts should be adjusted to the good life, pay attention to rest and avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma. Ensure a healthy diet, Yi Shi containing high quality protein foods, pay attention to the high fiber, high cellulose food supplement low in fat, sugar diet. Avoid spicy, salty, greasy, fried and unhealthy diet, compliance with medical care and make a referral.
By the above description, I believe that the treatment of unilateral renal cysts, but also have a certain understanding of renal cysts in the kidney, there have been some cystic tumor, we can see the hazards of renal cysts. For the treatment of single renal cysts, the timely detection of the disease is the key, then select the appropriate treatment of their condition.
1, not the urinary tract trauma examination
The role of single renal cyst puncture is not only susceptible to infection, easy to relapse, and after long-term observation, the surgery can not delay the occurrence of renal damage. Surgical excision of the cyst is not an easy task, because the cysts of the kidney surface can be cut off, but cut off buried deep in the kidneys of the cyst is quite difficult.
2, if necessary, surgical resection
Only a few cysts will lead to the associated abnormalities requiring treatment is really necessary treatment of single renal cysts can be guided needle aspiration and capsule in injecting drug to treatment. This is a common treatment of single renal cysts.
3, diet therapy
The common method of treatment of single renal cysts should be adjusted to the good life, pay attention to rest and avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma. Ensure a healthy diet, Yi Shi containing high quality protein foods, pay attention to the high fiber, high cellulose food supplement low in fat, sugar diet. Avoid spicy, salty, greasy, fried and unhealthy diet, compliance with medical care and make a referral.
By the above description, I believe that the treatment of unilateral renal cysts, but also have a certain understanding of renal cysts in the kidney, there have been some cystic tumor, we can see the hazards of renal cysts. For the treatment of single renal cysts, the timely detection of the disease is the key, then select the appropriate treatment of their condition.
Three Categories of Renal Cysts
Adult renal cyst is a congenital genetic diseases, renal parenchyma filled with countless size, ranging from round cysts are not connected with the outside world, the capsule containing a liquid, small invisible, large several centimeters , it is called polycystic kidney disease. Nocturia increased performance, low back pain, high blood pressure. Urine, hematuria, and a small amount of proteinuria, often slowly develop into chronic renal failure. 10% of people with kidney stones, 30 percent of the people associated with polycystic liver disease. Experienced doctors with the B ultrasound, intravenous pyelography can be diagnosed.
Simple renal cysts may be a congenital anomaly, unilateral or bilateral renal and one or several sizes of round is not connected with the outside world cysts, mostly unilateral, it is called simple renal cysts. Its incidence can be readily age increased over the age of 50 do B, 50% can be found in the cyst. With B ultrasound, CT can be diagnosed.
Unique characteristics of simple renal cysts:
Simple renal cysts is clinically most common form of cystic kidney disease, Polycystic different, the disease is not congenital but acquired in the past that it is caused by ischemia, studies suggest that in recent years may be caused by tubular diverticula evolved. Age, the distal tubules and collecting and diverticula increase the incidence of simple renal cysts is also increased. Mainly seen in adults, the incidence increases with age, more than 50 years of age about half of the at least one cyst.
The cyst can be single or multiple and it can be in one kidney or both the two kidneys. Cyst is generally isolated spherical, may change the kidney in the renal cortex superficial appearance, but also can be located in the cortex deep or medulla, 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter, can also be 3 to 8 cm, the wall is thin, transparent, yellow liquid containing grass more viscous and, if too inflammation, the wall may be thickened, fibrosis and even calcification. Cysts and renal pelvis is not the same wall lined with simple squamous epithelial cells.
The disease is generally not the onset of symptoms, often due to other purposes or examination inadvertently discovered. Even there may be hematuria and pain, calyceal obstruction and secondary infection. The emergence of an individual due to compression of adjacent vessels and cysts, resulting in ischemia and renin increased blood pressure, suction capsule solution or removal of cysts, blood pressure will be reduced to normal, and occasionally can cause polycythemia. The disease does not lead to renal dysfunction. Slow the natural variability of simple renal cysts.
Acquired renal cysts are mainly due to uremia or dialysis. Age has nothing to do with the time of hemodialysis. The kidneys had no renal cysts, reported in the literature, duration of dialysis over three years; most patients will appear to the cyst. One of its renal least four cysts, diameter of 2 to 3 cm, and some cysts can be infection, and even cancer, B ultrasound or CT can be diagnosed.
Simple renal cysts may be a congenital anomaly, unilateral or bilateral renal and one or several sizes of round is not connected with the outside world cysts, mostly unilateral, it is called simple renal cysts. Its incidence can be readily age increased over the age of 50 do B, 50% can be found in the cyst. With B ultrasound, CT can be diagnosed.
Unique characteristics of simple renal cysts:
Simple renal cysts is clinically most common form of cystic kidney disease, Polycystic different, the disease is not congenital but acquired in the past that it is caused by ischemia, studies suggest that in recent years may be caused by tubular diverticula evolved. Age, the distal tubules and collecting and diverticula increase the incidence of simple renal cysts is also increased. Mainly seen in adults, the incidence increases with age, more than 50 years of age about half of the at least one cyst.
The cyst can be single or multiple and it can be in one kidney or both the two kidneys. Cyst is generally isolated spherical, may change the kidney in the renal cortex superficial appearance, but also can be located in the cortex deep or medulla, 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter, can also be 3 to 8 cm, the wall is thin, transparent, yellow liquid containing grass more viscous and, if too inflammation, the wall may be thickened, fibrosis and even calcification. Cysts and renal pelvis is not the same wall lined with simple squamous epithelial cells.
The disease is generally not the onset of symptoms, often due to other purposes or examination inadvertently discovered. Even there may be hematuria and pain, calyceal obstruction and secondary infection. The emergence of an individual due to compression of adjacent vessels and cysts, resulting in ischemia and renin increased blood pressure, suction capsule solution or removal of cysts, blood pressure will be reduced to normal, and occasionally can cause polycythemia. The disease does not lead to renal dysfunction. Slow the natural variability of simple renal cysts.
Acquired renal cysts are mainly due to uremia or dialysis. Age has nothing to do with the time of hemodialysis. The kidneys had no renal cysts, reported in the literature, duration of dialysis over three years; most patients will appear to the cyst. One of its renal least four cysts, diameter of 2 to 3 cm, and some cysts can be infection, and even cancer, B ultrasound or CT can be diagnosed.
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